Get in touch

We'd love to meet you and discuss how we can help. Use this form to send us an email. 

420 SW Washington St, #400
Portland, OR, 97204
United States



Based in Portland & Newport, Oregon, Henkels law practice areas are tailored to growing businesses and governments concerned with the triple bottom line, a healthy economy, ecology, and society. Please call us 541-270-6001 or email us.


Based in Portland & Newport, Oregon, Henkels law practice areas are tailored to growing businesses and governments concerned with the triple bottom line, a healthy economy, ecology, and society. 

If you have a matter that involved energy, the environment, business law including  benefit companies, or a sustainability issue, contact us today. 

And if you need assistance with a Federal Indian law or tribal issue, please call us 541-270-6001 or email us.

Contact information

(Central Oregon Coast)
PO Box 1023
Newport, OR 97365

Portland Office
520 SW 6th Ave. (Cascade Building)
Portland, OR 97204


T: 541–270–6001