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420 SW Washington St, #400
Portland, OR, 97204
United States


Business Law

Henkels Law provides business law services such as drafting and reviewing contracts, forming business entities including benefit companies, handling professional licensing matters, negotiating, executing transactions, resolving disputes and dealing with other related matters.  More specific experience we bring to our business clients includes:

Consulting with businesses and individuals in business entity formation, merger and conversions, drafting corporate articles and bylaws, creating minute books and bringing entities into corporate law compliance, training new business owners and officers.  

Providing legal counsel for Oregon Benefit Companies in formation, third party standard, and reporting. See Oregon Benefit Companies for more info.  Henkels Law LLC is an Oregon Benefit Company, too.

Represented and advised several corporate merger and acquisitions transactions of coastal business entities conducting due diligence, drafting transaction documents, deeds, promissory notes, trust deeds, bills of sale, recording documents; assisted in negotiating with buyers, sellers, financiers; representing clients in dispute resolution.

Advise clients regarding professional licensing and certification matters, representing clients before regulatory bodies and administrative entities in engineering, landscape architecture, human services, and health care.

Review and prepare contracts, memoranda of understanding, memoranda of agreement between private parties, local government and private parties, tribal government and federal agencies, tribal government and local businesses and governments.

Represent businesses and employees in dispute resolution and litigation in state, tribal and federal fora. Co-counsel with other law firms as appropriate.

Advising businesses in public contracting: reviewing public procurement RFP’s, contracts; drafting public procurement subcontracts.