Pacific Northwest Energy Digest, Summer 2017
Diane Henkels
Greetings Energy Colleagues:
The Pacific Northwest Energy Digest is a summary of mostly government energy related events produced quarterly. Work and other opportunities for small business are highlighted in Yellow.
The purpose of the Energy Digest is to even the information playing field as we move forward to a cleaner energy economy.
Some highlights are the following:
State legislative sessions 2017
- NW Power Planning Council white paper on storage, Columbia River fish & wildlife costs
- BPA requesting comments on energy efficiency manual
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation produces paper on consultation and tribes
- Oregon Global Warming Commission mtg
- Oregon Dept of Energy Rulemaking re Home Energy Performance
- Oregon Public Utility Commission PacificCorp Multijuristictional
- Washington Dept of Commerce re Energy Independence Act rulemaking
- Washington announces recipients of energy efficiency and solar photovoltaic
- Washington Puget Sound Energy rate request
- Opportunities with Idaho National Laboratory
- Idaho PUC energy storage and PURPA
- Public Services Commission Technical Conference on Capacity Planning and Resource Adequacy
- MPSC Chair's Report includes update on 2017 Legislature
- Electric Reliability Report
- Resource Commission of Alaska Electric Vehicle Off-Peak Charging Rate
- Matanuska Electric requesting increase of base rates
- Legislature just ended/going back?
E-mail Henkels Law LLC with questions, comments.