Pacific Northwest Energy Digest, Winter 2018
Diane Henkels
Greetings Energy Colleagues:
The Pacific Northwest Energy Digest is a summary of mostly government energy related events produced quarterly. Work and other opportunities for small business are highlighted in italics.
The purpose of the Energy Digest is to even the information playing field as we move forward to a cleaner energy economy. Thanks to Will Davis and Jack Wadleigh for helping research and produce this issue.
Some highlights are the following:
- The International Panel for Convention on Climate Change has another Council of the Parties in November 2017 and there is a link to a report from that.
- Pacific Coast Collaborative Report card in 11/2017.
- Demand Response paper and energy efficiency update presentation at Northwest Power Planning Council.
State legislative sessions 2018
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Conference of the Parties (COP 23) results from 11/17 & Pacific Northwest
- Affilated Tribes of Northwest Indians conference
- Demand Response paper produced for Northwest Power Planning Conference
- Rules updates re NAICS codes in the utility sector
- Value Added Producer grants through USDA deadline approaching
- Oregon Legislature Clean Energy Jobs Workgroups
- The Department of Energy and Public Utility Commission has begun meetings to implement the 2017 bill SB 978 to get input on the energy regulatory landscape in Oregon. SBUA is dialing in and participating as reasonably possible given resources
- Oregon Legislature has a carbon cap bill before it with hearings coming up early February. SBUA is tapping into that process and gave input through an SBUA member on that bill.
- Electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
- UM 1893 Staff Investigation of Methodology and Process of EE Cost-Effectiveness
- Oregon Department of Environmental Quality re Advisory Committee implementing House Bill 2017 re rebate program for purchase of alternative fuel vehicles
- Washington Legislature Incentive Application to fund renewable energy projects
- Governor Inslee denies Vancouver Energy Distribution Terminal at Port of Vancouver
- Avista Rate Case asking 12.5% increase in electricity rates
- Idaho National Laboratory Technical Assistance Program and Subcontracting Plan
- Idaho Legislature House Business Committee meeting re using National Electric Code
- Idaho Power Integrated Resource Plan — PacificCorp updating load and gas forecasts
- Energy storage company seeking enforcement by FERC against Idaho Public Utility Commission denied qualifying facility status under PURPA
- NWE Application for Approval Taxes and Fees
- Testimony to United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Energy re PURPA Modernization Act of 2017
- Utility Decoupling: Montana Utility Pros and Cons Report for Montana Public Services Commission
- Report re natural gas suppliers
- Moving funds from Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Fund into state general fund
- Alaska Energy Authority and tribal beneficiaries of the Volkswagen Settlement Trust Tribal allocation
- RCA regulations re: annual operations report requirements for regulated utilities and pipeline carriers.
- Senate Special Committee on the Arctic
- Alaska Legislature looking at oil and gas fiscal policy
E-mail Henkels Law LLC with questions, comments.